Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Journey - Ryan

Well, I guess that the idea of minimalism has always intrigued me. Looking at the word in all aspects of the word. The lightest wheels for my car or the lightest sunglasses even by a few grams. How to go a little faster, to be a little more efficient. But when it came to my clothing and other possessions it took a different course.

I come from a family where you didn't get rid of things, even if you didn't really need them. Its kind of hard to get that out of your head. So, I started to thin out my possessions about 5 yrs ago. More than 3 yrs ago I moved with all my worldly possessions in two SUV 's. Then I moved all those possessions in with my fiance, Susan. Then we moved into a bigger apartment and acquired even more property. Now we have come to a point where enough is enough.

In an effort to lower our stress, our financial responsibility, an our global impact we are turning to a minimalist lifestyle. We are eliminating the bulk of our excess property, reevaluating our housing situation an our car ownership situation.

As this blog progresses we will both highlight our learning how to live this lifestyle and what this means. Any input would be helpful. Thanks.


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