Sunday, April 17, 2011

We're moving!

And we couldn't be more excited. To be blunt the past 2 years in our current place have been in a disappointing. When we first moved in we loved this place. We had wanted more room, since we went from living separately to living together.

We first realized that our place was too big was when we had our first ceiling leak, and yes please note I said 'first', because there were many.

My husband was sleeping on the couch (at that time he worked at night so he generally would crash on the couch during the day, very comfy couch!) He was awoken by drips of water on his face. At this point I will let the video below speak for itself (at the bottom of the post)

I love how our normally skittish cat is unfazed by water pouring from the ceiling.

Ryan being the quick thinker that he is moved ALL of the furniture from that room into our dry sun room. (within seconds, he is like a puma!)

Since it was a while before we were able to put our place back to normal, we settled ourselves in having our living room in the small sun room. What we found was that this was so cozy we liked it even better than having our living room being in the actual 'living room area'. We left it that way.

Soon the 'living room' became more like a hallway. Space that was never used. I think this is really what made us begin to re-evaluate our space needs.

After visiting many, many, apartments (we aren't ready for a house yet! It's just us and the cats) we settled on a one bedroom in our beloved Ambler. I will save the details on the new place for when we can really show it with pictures and stuff.

Right now we are focused on packing, purging and saying goodbye to our I love it/I hate it apartment!

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